In December it was announced that several TLS server implementations were affected by a problem similar to an SSL v3 issue called POODLE disclosed by Google researchers in October. This attack worked by modifying the padding bytes of the encrypted SSL/TLS records that are used to […]
Category: Miscellaneous
The POODLE has friends
In October last year, researchers from Google published details about an attack on SSL v3, called POODLE. This attack worked by modifying the padding bytes of the encrypted SSL records that are used to make the records into even multiples of 8 or 16 byte […]
Usikker registrering av persondata i mange nettbutikker
[Apologies to my English language readers, as this article mainly concerns encryption in Norwegian online shopping sites, I decided to write it in Norwegian] Jeg har ved at par tidligere anledninger undersøkt bruken av kryptering av norske nettbutikker, sist i 2013. Konklusjonen begge ganger […]
A possible reason why many e-commerce sites do not use encryption?
If you have read my past articles, you may have noticed that I am a little annoyed by the low number of e-commerce sites using HTTPS encryption to protect their customers. While most do use encryption for payments, usually that is because they use […]
Not out of the woods yet: There are more POODLEs
As I wrote in my previous article about this, in October a group of Google security researchers had discovered a problem, called POODLE, in SSL v3 that in combination with another issue, browsers’ automatic fallback to older TLS and SSL versions, allowed an attacker […]
Attack of the POODLEs
Three weeks ago a group of researchers from Google announced an attack against the SSL v3 protocol (the ancestor of the TLS 1.x protocol) called POODLE (a stylish abbreviation of “Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption”). This attack is similar to the BEAST attack that […]
What is
Executive summary: The TLS Prober is a tool that gathers information and statistics about the state of the SSL/TLS protocol security features and vulnerabilities across the internet. It does nothing that will harm your server. The TLS Prober is a tool I developed while […]
The OpenSSL CCS vulnerability
Last week, news arrived about a new vulnerability in OpenSSL, which affected all releases of the library. This new vulnerability, frequently referred to as the CCS vulnerability, is a Man In the Middle (MITM) vulnerability, allowing an attacker to listen in on, or modify data […]
Heartbleed Status: Upgrading to Heartbreak
(Update: A number of references to this article have incorrectly referred to me a working for Opera Software. Please note that I left Opera Software more than a year ago, and that I now work for Vivaldi Technologies AS) Update May 12: After closer investigation […]
The Heartbleed vulnerability (or why you should change your password)
A few days ago a group of researchers revealed that they had discovered a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL 1.0.1, an implementation of the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS, or SSL) which they called “Heartbleed“. This vulnerability is very serious and will take its place […]