End of a personal era

On the morning of January 2, 1997, I stepped off the train at Lillestrøm railway station, just outside Oslo, Norway, and was met by Geir Ivarsøy, one of my new bosses at my new job as a software developer at a small company called Opera Software.

After first driving out to the location of the small basement apartment I was going to rent, a bit further out from Oslo, we drove to the Opera offices at Kjeller, where 4 of the 5 people at Opera (including myself) worked; the fifth employee worked remotely from Lillehammer. I then started to work on my first task: Implement SSL support in Opera, which was released in Opera 3.0 a year later.

That was the beginning of a 16-year personal era as a developer at Opera, an era that, regrettably, ends today, as I am leaving Opera.

For now, I plan to still post occasional articles here on My Opera.

19 thoughts on “End of a personal era”

  1. Good bye and good luck, Yngve.Originally posted by yadavankur: are you the oldest employee still working at Opera?Yes, he certainly is. 🙂

  2. 16 yrs, WOW! All the best for your future. Simply out of curiosity, are you the oldest employee still working at Opera?

  3. Originally posted by “Irregular interval”:Me: we should change this to be compatibleYngve: no, it would be against the spec/rfcMe: but we must be compatibleYngve: it would also be the wrong thing to do because…Me: compa…(and so on):) – not sure who won most of these, but I think it worked out in most cases.And thanks for all the cake Yngve! :chef:

  4. :up: Thank you for all your work in Opera and for your posts, they were very informative.

  5. Not good news but hope will be good for you. Thanks for your all support for us till now and best wishes in your new life :):cheers:

  6. Thanks for all the work you did and best wishes for your future.I’ll miss your posts in “securitygroup” and other blogs …

  7. Thank you for your work to make and keep Opera secure !All the best for the Yngve.Next 😀

  8. Thank you very much for your service that has kept us safe, Yngve. Best wishes for the next chapter of your life. :cheers:

  9. On all the work and yearsOpera and IE (Safari might also) one of the few to support TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 (Java JRE 7 supports TLS 1.1 & 1.2) last I say Firefox was at TLS 1.0Opera still has the easiest to read Security Info page I have seen in any browser :up:

  10. Wow! Thanks for all the fish. Although i left the boat a year ago, I was there half the time you did 😉

  11. Thanks for all your work and the articles you’ve written. Please keep us updated on what the future holds for you.

  12. I met Yngve early on in my career at Opera, and it didn’t take long for him to take me under his wing.Or maybe he felt sorry for me. 🙂 He gave me the book “managing Einsteins ” he sure tried to help me to understand the engineering world and I so admired all of the wise talented programmers at opera. After leaving in 2010 after almost 10 years, it was Yngve I missed most.Thank you for trying to help me, hopeless as it may have been, I am not the smartest technologically. Thank you for your cakes and your devotion Yngve.And thank you for getting me my own personal Holbrook drawing and cartoon character as office manager , I was a Dog (but he had let me pick the animal.) I treasure both that drawing and the book. I know you will do wonderful things where ever you go. I am proud to know you, Anne

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