I’m a techie, not a nettie

Hello all,

Welcome to my new homepage.

I am the lead developer on Opera's cache, network, and security code, such as HTTP, SSL/TLS encryption, cookies, privacy, and general URL handling.

I'll primarily use this page to post infrequent articles about Opera related subjects in the areas I work with.

One area of these posts will be about things we have shipped, at least in a TP-release, so don't expect any leaks about new features 🙂 .

Another area will concern the more long range standardization efforts I'm participating in.

The small print: Opinions stated here are my own, and do not necessarily represent my employer's views. Opinions are subject to change without notice, in particular when I find (or am pointed to) better information, unless I decide to be stubborn. Articles may contain spelling mitsakes, errors grammatical, or other mistakes; in such cases the correct meaning is what I meant to write, not what is in the text; when in doubt, ask.

9 replies on “I’m a techie, not a nettie”

  1. I’m looking forward to your articles, yngve. Your posts in the forums are always very informative, so I expect the same from your future blog posts. 😉

  2. Since your work is also “general URL handling” you are right person to ask. :)Why not handle URL string without http://, ftp://, etc. (all known protocols) as default search? :idea:So, if my default search engine is Google (or enything else) I can type in address field only this: “fastest browser”If I want to search in Yahoo I type as it works now: “y fastest browser”I get errors while searching couple times a day just because forgot to put “g” before string to search.I’m shure that this improvement will be highly appreciate by many users.

  3. FataL, that is actually on the UI side: “What to do when the user enters something which is not a (valid) URL or does not resolve?”. The basic problem is: Would all uses want us to send anything they type in the address field to the default search engine? Personally I think not.

  4. i don’t now if you the right peron at opera for this requests, but:when can we exspect new improvements with bittorent and the mail security? is there anything planing or in the new releases for the new snapshots/ opera 10/9.X?

  5. Yngve, I have a question regarding OCSP and types of SSL certificates. Does Opera and other web browsers use OCSP only with EV SSL or all types of certificates? What about certificate revocation lists, are these lists used against all SSL certificats not just EV?Thanks!

  6. Revocation checking, OCSP and CRL, is done for all certificates in a chain that specifies them. OCSP is only checked for the end certificate, and if so CRLs are not checked for that certificate. If CRLs are specified for the non-OCSP parts of the chain all other certificates (except the one checked with OCSP) have to have CRLs, too.AFAIK all browsers checks revocation for all certificates when it is enabled.

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