I’m still a techie, not a nettie

Welcome to a my new home on the Web.

After I left Opera a year ago, I considered moving my (old) home page to a new location, but did not find a good location to host it.

Moving to a new location became a bit more urgent when Opera announced their decision to  shut down MyOpera in a couple of months.

Fortunately, my new old boss, Jon von Tetzchner, decided that with MyOpera shutting down, he would provide a new home for all the people made “homeless” by the shutdown. The new site, Vivaldi.net, went live as a  beta version yesterday, and I have now started the migration here.

The small print: Opinions stated here are my own, and do not necessarily represent my employer’s views. Opinions are subject to change without notice, in particular when I find (or am pointed to) better information, unless I decide to be stubborn. Articles may contain spelling mitsakes, errors grammatical, or other mistakes; in such cases the correct meaning is what I meant to write, not what is in the text; when in doubt, ask.

5 replies on “I’m still a techie, not a nettie”

  1. I guess from a business standpoint closing my.opera makes sense. I still don’t like it. Glad y’all made it here! :up:

  2. I’ve migrated my My Opera account somewhere else, and decided to join Vivaldi after knowing that Jon is behind this platform.
    Kudos to Jon 😀

  3. I spent a lot of time and effort building up the MyOpera account, before Opera decided to shut it all down. When they decided to do that, I decided that the only way I could provide any sort of lasting stability for my on-line presence was to either host my own website or pay someone to host it for me. In other words, no more “free” accounts. In the end, I’ve done both; I host my own website as well as purchased an account with ipernity.com for my “social” media.

    I am glad to see the Vivaldi project picking up where Opera left off, but I’m a little apprehensive to do too much here, just in case something changes. Maybe having a paid subscription model along side the free subscriptions would be good for the Vivaldi project. At least I’d feel more secure about using Vivlaldi, knowing that they are thinking about long term sustainment of the service.

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