As I've mentioned earlier we have discovered a number of things about interoperability between TLS servers and clients that are not as they should be. The details were published as an IETF Internet Draft.
In July I presented the findings of the draft to the TLS Working Group at the IETF meting in Montreal, and the WG decided to accept my draft as a WG Document.
I've just submitted an update to my previous document.
In this new version I've primarily cleaned up the text, but there are also two new examples of problems that have been discovered.
The draft will be available from the IETF's Internet Draft repository, but I'm also making an archive copy available here
Comments, suggestions and other examples are welcome either directly to me, or to the IETF TLS WG mailing list after the draft has been announced there (That is also where broader discussion of the issues should take place).