Opera Labs: What’s a browser Security Issue, anyway?

I've just posted a new article at Opera Labs

A large number of people are looking for security problems and vulnerabilities in Opera and other applications. Some people don't like this, but I think it is actually fine. When done responsibly this can increase security for the application and is thus of great benefit to the users. However, when done irresponsibly, the activity can cause needless alarm and waste the time of the application vendors AND the end users.

One example of irresponsibility is how they report and classify the issues they find, and how the issues are communicated to the application vendor.

Read the rest of my article at Opera Labs.

3 replies on “Opera Labs: What’s a browser Security Issue, anyway?”

  1. By the way, we should do something to the my.opera.com servers’s security. they are not strong enough.

  2. Security problems are complex,if micrsoft’s IE is hacked by a trojan horse, opera may do the same bad thing, because they all use the same network api library of Windows. if the api library is replaced by trojan horse,this is only one example.

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