The EV indicator: Now you see it, now you don’t

Two weeks ago I posted a screenshot of Opera 9.5 with EV support.

Late last week I got a surprise while testing some new functionality in the same area (No, I am not going to tell you what it is, yet :devil: ). The Stardock store, the site I used in the screenshot, no longer got an EV status, even after I had eliminated all the bugs in the new functionality.

It turns out that, since I tested this site last, probably during last week, the site was redesigned. And now it includes content from non-EV sites such as Google Analytics and (ironically) "HackerSafe". Neither site is currently EV certified, and they therefore "drag" the main site "down" to their level.

As I said two weeks ago: "It ain't EV 'til it's EV, all EV".

5 replies on “The EV indicator: Now you see it, now you don’t”

  1. I’m glad you’re keeping with your “It ain’t EV ’till it’s EV, all EV” stance. We don’t want EV to become something that can be spoofed.

  2. Yngve, your idea is praiseworthy. I mean, if site includes content from non-EV sites, the browser shouldn’t show EV status.IE7 shows EV status for with “HackerSafe” item. It’s not fair, I agree.Fortunately IE7 doesn’t show EV status for sites with “nonsecure items”, for instance:https://www.aironline.plFor the moment VeriSign EV Green Bar Extension for Firefox works like IE7. Opera goes ahead :). Yngve, it is your final decision to build Opera more restrictive?BTW: is there any chance to download Opera 9.5 with EV support now?

  3. Not so far, but I’m crossing all my fingers for a weekly tomorrow, since there hasn’t been that much news on planet opera lately :p . Hoping its the calm before the storm

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