Three weeks ago a group of researchers from Google announced an attack against the SSL v3 protocol (the ancestor of the TLS 1.x protocol) called POODLE (a stylish abbreviation of “Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption”). This attack is similar to the BEAST attack that […]
Author: Yngve
What is
Executive summary: The TLS Prober is a tool that gathers information and statistics about the state of the SSL/TLS protocol security features and vulnerabilities across the internet. It does nothing that will harm your server. The TLS Prober is a tool I developed while […]
The OpenSSL CCS vulnerability
Last week, news arrived about a new vulnerability in OpenSSL, which affected all releases of the library. This new vulnerability, frequently referred to as the CCS vulnerability, is a Man In the Middle (MITM) vulnerability, allowing an attacker to listen in on, or modify data […]
Heartbleed Status: Upgrading to Heartbreak
(Update: A number of references to this article have incorrectly referred to me a working for Opera Software. Please note that I left Opera Software more than a year ago, and that I now work for Vivaldi Technologies AS) Update May 12: After closer investigation […]
The Heartbleed vulnerability (or why you should change your password)
A few days ago a group of researchers revealed that they had discovered a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL 1.0.1, an implementation of the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS, or SSL) which they called “Heartbleed“. This vulnerability is very serious and will take its place […] now showing EV-green in browsers
Friday evening (20 December) those who keep an eye on the browser UI would have observed a small but significant change take effect at The browser turned on the Extended Validation “Green Bar” for us, indicating that the identity of our website was […]
Closing time: Time to move my home on the web to a new home
I’m still a techie, not a nettie
Welcome to a my new home on the Web. After I left Opera a year ago, I considered moving my (old) home page to a new location, but did not find a good location to host it. Moving to a new location became a bit […]